Clarence Thomas Limited (CTL) has created this privacy statement to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy

We appreciate that you trust us with your personal information, and we’re committed to using your information in ways that create value for you. We are guided by our principles every day, and we work hard to earn and keep your trust.

Our goal is to make sure your information is safe and secure. We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Technology to encrypt and transmit your information to our secure servers. SSL technology, an industry standard, is designed to prevent someone other than our website operators from capturing and viewing your personal information.

General Statement of Principles 
As described in detail below, any information we gather at this website is strictly for our use and is not shared with any other entity, public or private, for any reason – period. We will not sell or give away any lists or other data that we may retain, and we do not purchase such information from other sources.  Clarence Thomas Limited. (CTL) collects information (such as your name, shipping and billing address, email address, etc.) from you that we need to:

  • Process your order
  • Provide you with member support
  • Allow you to use the community forums and participate in contests and other forum features
  • Send you newsletters and other communications such as polls, surveys, discounts, coupons, and giveaways.

Statistical Data 
Our servers track IP addresses and referring pages to help with site maintenance and improvements. This data is viewed only as anonymous statistics to show the busiest times of the day or week, pages with errors, and how effective our advertising has been. This information is not used for any other purpose.

Personal Information Collected
With the exception of credit card info, we store the information from your order form to allow us to track consulting issues or refer to a previous order to help provide some customer service.

To ask questions about this policy or remove your personal information from our database, write us at